Our vision and mission
Although cannabis has been known as a medicinal plant for thousands of years, its use has been banned for the last century. In the last few decades, we have seen a trend of re-popularization, largely due to the permitted use of cannabis indica for medical purposes and the use of hemp (CBD) in cosmetic and food products. At Spectralfingerprints, we want to use our extensive experience to help ensure a higher level of quality of hemp products on the market and to enable reliable and cost-effective testing of their content. In doing so, we follow the trends from Canada and the USA, where these issues are addressed systematically and high standards are required for hemp products. We are convinced that product quality assurance should not be a privilege, but should be accessible to everyone, from the smallest producer to consumer.

Our values
As an analytical company, our values are primarily to ensure reliability and quality of our services to our customers. At Spectralfingerprints accuracy and reliability are the most important, so all measurements are performed in accordance with the internally validated methods according to ICH standards. We take any potential error or complaint seriously and investigate all potential circumstances that could lead to an error. We are constantly striving to improve our processes in order to ensure the top quality of our services.

Anita Krančič, Head of Development
Anita is an university graduate chemist and is experienced in both gas and liquid chromatography. During her studies, she perfected her knowledge by working for various institutions or companies, such as the Institute of Chemistry, Jožef Stefan Institute, Environmental Agency of the Republic of Slovenia, Belinka … She completed her studies with a diploma thesis, the topic of which included the development and validation of a method for determining polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in natural matrices. She has more than ten years of experience working in an accredited laboratory, in which she is both a method administrator and a responsible analyst. For several years she also worked for the Slovenian Anti-Doping Organization (SLOADO), where she worked as a doping control supervisor (DCO).

Tina Pungartnik, director and head of marketing
Tina holds a degree in Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology, but has spent most of her career producing films and commercials. She is skilled in the field of promotion, event organization and working with people.
Jan Jurij Eržen, B.Sc. Ing. Agronomic consultant
He graduated in the cultivation of medicinal plants and the comparison of the effects of cultivation on the quality of medicinal and aromatic plants according to the standards of the European Pharmacopoeia. In 2019 he obtained a master's degree in physiology of cannabis indica and sativa at the Biotechnical Faculty in Ljubljana. In 2018, he worked as a consultant in the first legal cultivation system of cannabis in Europe, planned and managed pioneer horticultural hemp plantations in Slovenia. He also gained experience at the Faculty of Pharmacy, where he worked as part of the analytical team at the Department of Pharmaceutical Biology. Since 2019, he has been working as an independent consultant for good agronomic and collection practices for medicinal plants (GAP, GACP), with an emphasis on the botanical drug substance (BDS) standards and acceptance there of, in systems of active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) production.